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01133314408 – Get Advice Before Speaking To Cabot Financial Debt Collectors

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Getting calls from this number 01133314408?

The number is registered to Cabot Financial Debt Collection Agency. The Cabot Credit Management Group main goal is to collect unsecured debts.

And from the experience with a list of recipients, it is advised to approach missed calls from this number with caution. The first step is to consult a debt advisor with expertise in this field before you contact Cabot Financial.

If you are considering returning a call to 01133314408, you must clearly understand the different debt solutions available to you and the types of debt collection companies that are in the market. Many debt recovery companies have acquired your debt, and you may have the opportunity to legally write off up to 80% of your debts through appropriate channels.

Are you worried about calls from this number?

In the past couple of months, the number 01133314408 has received complaints regarding multiple concerns. Such as harassment by Cabot Debt Collection Company, receiving unsolicited text message spam, and even receiving fraudulent court letters falsely attributed to Cabot Financial.

If you receive a call from 01133314408, they are probably seeking to recover debts associated with credit cards, utility bills, parking fines, or council tax debt. It is crucial to exercise caution when dealing with such calls and to seek proper guidance or support when managing debt collection issues.

Can I ignore the calls?

It is important to stress that ignoring calls from 01133314408 is strongly discouraged in any scenario.

Neglecting these calls will not prevent further attempts to contact you regarding debt settlement, even if you believe that the mentioned debt is not your responsibility and have a clean credit history.

If the debt belongs to you, ignoring the debt collectors can worsen the situation. This may give them valid grounds to escalate their actions against you, potentially involving the credit services association.

Additionally, disregarding the calls may accumulate additional interest and charges, thereby increasing the overall debt amount.

To protect your best interests, it is highly recommended that you take proactive measures. Seek guidance from a debt expert, establish a proper debt management plan, and actively address the matter.

Feedback from calls on this number

Below is some interesting feedback from calls on this number.

“I keep receiving call after call from Cabot Financial Collect. When will they stop? I wonder if they are a debt collection agency registered or recognised by law.”

“I am constantly harassed and scammed by Cabot Financial Europe Debt Collectors. This compmnay claiming to be Cabot Financial Europe Limited seems to be a fraud, and I think they should be reported to the financial conduct authority FCA.”

“They are an absolute nuisance and claim to be having my credit file. I am seeking help from the financial ombudsman service to intervene as I don’t owe money.”

“I receive constant calls at all hours of the day and the Cabot Financial send Bailiffs to my office, constituting nothing less than harassment and the county court judgement should be informed. They claim that I have an active debt account which I don’t recal”

“The number 01133314408 belongs to Cabot Debt Collection Agencies, and they do not stop calling daily. Once Cabot Debt Collectors have your number, your in trouble, I tell you.”

“They called me at 8:30 pm stating I have outstanding debt and should pay cabot financial immediatly, which is unacceptable.”

“Cabot’s financial services representatives are rude when they call.”

Based on this feedback, the phone number 01133314408 has received a negative rating. It is primarily categorised as a debt collector, financial services, and nuisance call.

A List of Bailiff and Debt Collectors Numbers

Below is a list of all UK Bailiff and Debt Collector numbers you shole be aware of.

Reasons the number might be called

The phone number 01133314408 belongs to Cabot Financial Debt Collectors, who are calling to collect debts that you may owe. These debts could include credit card debts, overdrafts, council tax debt, utility bills, and parking fines. Addressing these calls, seeking advice, and finding suitable solutions to manage and resolve your outstanding debts is essential.

Some Debt Solutions to consider

It is advisable that when you take the time to review your credit report and current debts, you should possess a comprehensive understanding of the available debt solutions that can assist you in managing and resolving your financial obligations.

To address your specific needs in the UK, exploring the following potential debt solutions is advisable.

List of Other Debt Collector and Bailiff Phone Numbers

Below is a compilation of debt collector and bailiff phone numbers commonly encountered in the UK:

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